Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Good Morning!

Introducing the first family...The Obama's.

Thank you to all of you who voted & really made history. This is big, HUGE. Our first African-American President! & who would've thought that this would happen this soon? I'm still in disbelief. It's beautiful how our country came together, in mass numbers to make this happen. I can honestly say after 8 years of being let down by our so called "leader", after being attacked by terrorists, beginning a war, many people losing their lives for this country, gas prices going at a record all time high, and also going into a recession, I am now so proud of my country. I am so proud of the people who contributed to this historic event. I feel safe now. I feel secure. I feel that our country is in the right hands & this man, Barack Obama will take care of us, just like an elected President should.

He has a huge mess to clean up, and it's going to take time people, but I know it's only going to get better.

Thank you again to all of you who seriously put on for this country. I have never been so proud to be an American & to have lived to see this happen.

*Now his daughters Malia & Sasha get their puppy! Yayy!

1 comment:

ZACK said...

Today is a big day on Blogger! It's like people who usually don't update their blogs are updating them like crazy. (Not to assume anything about your wonderful site. ;) )

This really is a GOOD MORNING! And I'm happy that it took a crappy President to make people look beyond race and see credentials.

A GREAT, GREAT DAY TO BE A BLACK MAN IN THIS COUNTRY! But most importantly, a great day to be a global citizen of the world.