*click titles for sites.
Lost In Brook Lynne
Ms. Brook Lynne Carter, a very beautiful girl who happens to be a dancer at Magic City, has one of the realist blogs I've read in a while. She speaks the truth & nothin but it. Ms. Carter addresses lop sided issues within the industry & even gives advice. She also is a fan of The 48 Laws Of Power (I'm reading currently) & just has a some really good reads. I'm sure you will all be new fans!
TwoInTheShirt TITS or Two In The Shirt is one of the hottest new brands to hit the fashion world. I recently peep'd their site & was pretty blown away by all the names & faces they had rockin their gear! From Too Short, Kevin Durrant, Tha Bizness, & even GUCCI (rockin TITS in "5 Star Chick RMX" video), the people over at TITS have been goin hard. Be on the look out for their colaboration with DymeDef for the mixtape "SexTape" comin soon!
DJ Hyphen of Kube 93's Sunday Night SoundSession keeps you updated with music videos, new music & events local and around the country. He also has exclusive interviews he's done with artist like The Clipse, N.E.R.D. & more. He even got an interview with J.Cole! I'm sittin here patiently waitin for it to hit the innanets!
Here are more cool sites ya'll should check out:
Dreamvillian.com - J. Cole's own blog!
SupremeLaRock.com - The Famous DJ is doin major things!
IRockGucci.com - Only for the FRESH & FLY
LilWayneHQ.com - Lil Wayne ERRYTHANG.
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